anorexia is not as simple as 'they basically dislike food and you loose weight' wrong. anorexia is turning your own mind and body against yourself, watching yourself slowly disappear and loving it. feeling your bones stick out and rub against clothing and your mattress until you are covered in bruises and cry yourself to sleep. anorexia is ripping your family apart and allowing them to see their own child fall to pieces without being able to help. its being so severely hungry that you start to hallucinate and collapse walking down the street. its being in a constant battle with your own mind about what you can eat and what you cant eat, what you can do and what you cant. over exercising to exhaustion, not for fitness. looking at yourself in the mirror and seeing nothing but a shell of worthlessness. its the feeling of preferring to die than eat. its never feeling good enough, never feeling deserving of life and enjoyment. why do people think its all about yo...
take a leap into your recovery