well im not a believer of all this 'new me in the new year' like why wait until the new year? everyday i woke up and told myself 'new day, new start' not new year, new century. new day. you wake up and put the old day behind you. okay so you had more than usual to eat today and you're feeling a little guilty, but why let that one day ruin your progress and more importantly affect your life. so what you have to do is wake up, brush off the worries of yesterday and get the hell on with your life. dont dwell on the past, i spent months crying over what i used to be, id reminisce on old pictures just wanting to be that happy and healthy carefree girl, i wanted the old me back and i was caught in a viscious cycle of being so upset about what ive done to myself. but one morning i just woke up and i was like, wait, im spending all my time being devastated about loosing the old me but the time im wasting being upset i could be using to rebuild myself! so from that ...
take a leap into your recovery