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Blah blah blah, we all hate fitness.
It can be upsetting and hard to deal with.
Me personally, I forgot how to exercise, properly. I didn't know how to look after myself. I had zero fitness, if I ran up the stairs I had to take a nap. I just didn't know where to start.
I wanted to do something (fully physically and mentally recovered) I just didn't want to push myself and I didn't want to have to do too much, because lazy.
So I started doing stretches, beginners yoga, I really loved it! I felt myself becoming calmer and a lot more flexible! I didn't push myself and I didn't find it too challenging mentally. I really enjoyed progressing.

I always wanted to run again, I loved it, I used to run for my town and it was such a hobby and a passion of mine! So I went on small jogs and power walks with my boyfriend. (I think he still hates me for dragging him around) but it got my fitness going again! I love fresh air and being outside and actually doing something! I always want to go for a run at like 2am but I think.. Better not.

You know your body and mind more than anyone else in the world. So if you know you're pushing yourself or you're starting to not enjoy it. Why carry on?
Don't let yourself fall into the cycle of pressure and hatred and fear of failure. Exercise because you enjoy it and it makes you feel good!!

I don't think nor believe anyone should ever be exercising underweight. It breaks my heart seeing people struggling physically posting pictures in the gym or talking about how much vigorous exercise they are doing. Of course I understand the struggles and exercise addiction. That's the point to seek help. To speak out that you're struggling because trust me.. You're not alone.
Why would you put yourself through something you don't enjoy? You don't see me sitting doing maths for 4 hours a day. Because I bloody hate it! I exercise because I love the way it makes me feel and the way it connects me to my self and my body! Not because it's exercising.

You have to do it for all the right reasons. Do it for your fitness, of course health is bloody important! A strong body = a strong mind. But a strong mind = a strong body. Use it wisely. Medical advice is important (I'd deffo listen to it because sometimes doctors do have a clue, not always but sometimes). So if you're told not to, then take a seat and try again in a month. You're never to old or too late to exercise. My nana swims every morning and I swear she's like 200 years old.
Exercise because you love it. You need to go on a walk and breathe and really feel your happiness and serenity! Exercise is all about feeling happy and accomplished! You won't feel this way if you are pushing yourself into something you hate.

Do it with friends, family, boyfriends. Even your cat. Or dog maybe.
Join a class!! I joined a Pilates class, and I really do love it, apart from the fact that you're not supposed to talk due to being peaceful and all that but my god everything's so funny when you can't laugh!
So maybe Pilates isn't for me (in a class, on my own I love it, I can be myself and I don't have to worry about farting in my instructors face). So I'm going to keep at it. In my living room, listening to music I love and cutting out the cool down so I'm finished on time for love island. Just the way I am.

My exercise routine at the moment is pretty much non existent. My typical day is I wake up, eat, walk to work (unless it's raining then I drive, but I legit work 5 minutes away from my house) I sometimes rush around at work and I do lift dresses and what not, (I work in a bridal store) so I guess that's a form of exercise? Spend my day at work, come home, nap, watch to, eat, then sleep! Apart from stretches and the odd run that's the only exercise I do. I wish I did more, I'm not going to deny that. I wish I had the motivation that others have.

If you dread going to the gym or doing some exercise then why are you putting yourself through that? Enjoy and love what you do! Don't dread and hate doing it. That's not what exercise is about and pure doing it for all the wrong reasons.


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