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So as I sit here in the garden in the most revealing sunbathing dress I own, browsing through social media, I've seen the word 'summer bodies' over a hundred times, and I've legit just woken up, I'm eating my chocolate shreddies as we speak.

What is with people and wanting to look like an airbrushed Victoria secret model in summer. You look fabulous all year round so why the need to change for a month? Put your body under so much stress just so you don't feel judged on Facebook on your profile picture.
Do you know what's beautiful? Smiling. A tanned happy face. Smile lines. Beach hair. Cartwheels in the sand.
Nobody cares how expensive your bikini is, or how toned your butt looks.
When you go on holiday you don't sit judging other people's bodies so why would you think they are judging yours?
Confidence is beautiful.
When you walk past someone and think 'I wish I had their body' they probably just walked past someone and thought the exact same thing.
Nobody is happy with the way they look, because they are fed utter bull crap about the way we should and shouldn't look, even what we wear,
I would never wear a camouflage matching tracksuit but hey ho that's the trend so everyone else does.
Seriously guys, why u find them nice?😭
Who are you trying to impress? Is Sitting down enjoying an ice cream in the sun not acceptable?
We all want to look and feel nice, even sexy. It's important that we feel confident in the clothes we wear, and i strongly advise you find clothes that make you feel amazing and wear them for you! Not anyone else.
But don't punish your body for society.
Surely you have put yourself through enough, it needs balance and health.
Don't miss breakfast with your family because you have to go to the gym.

All this #fitspo has to end. Exercise, is fab, it releases endorphins and makes you feel happy! But when the fun isn't there anymore, you have to think why are you doing it?
Make choices for your own happiness.
Get rid of the people in your life that make you unhappy.
Spread your wings and find yourself.
Share your happiness with others.

I'm gunna end this post telling you about the most amazing cake I just had. Patisserie Valerie you have shown me why I love chocolate.

Be yourself, wear a bikini that you love, that's different, that you feel amazing and sexy and fabulous in! Wear shorts, flaunt your legs because as my mum says 'I wish I did it when I was your age because you can't wear short shorts at 45'.

I can't express how much you need to challenge yourself. Challenge your idea of 'beauty' because I'll tell you what, anyone sees you dancing round in a bright pink bikini is going to think you are the most beautiful person on that beach! A smile tells a thousand stories xx


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