Dieting is so so strange, I think my whole over view on a diet is that I was constantly on one? The prospect of a diet is that you do it for a short amount of time to loose weight and then most people would just yoyo for the rest of their lives. A 'healthy life style change' is what's promoted, which is mad because everyone's view on 'healthy' is so different and why should we look at it as a healthy life, shouldn't we be happy and balanced?
I've been on a diet for as long as I can remember. (apart from recovery of course). I guess this is hard for me to write because I always thought of myself as fully recovered and for a long time I truly thought I was. I recovered well, I ate well and my hunger and all my happiness came flying back. But this last 8 months (rough guessing here) I think I have been taking more control of my diet than usual. Of course nothing like my past, but I watch what I eat. I instantly thought I was going backwards, but actually I'm just being balanced. I ate over 3,000 calories a day for a long time and I loved it and my recovering body needed it so badly. But I guess my body was just ready to settle down and enjoy meals and snacks and maybe a little less if needed? I started having some health issues and the only way I could solve them was my diet and I had to reduce my intake of certain foods. I had to listen to my body. That's not a bad thing, I struggled to come to terms with it but I still eat more than anyone in my family, I just know when and what to eat. I did become worried about myself and I spoke to a few people in all kinds of work, Personal Trainers, friends, doctors, and they all said I'm just leading a balanced life. Which I didn't want to accept because I didn't want my life to be made up of treats and eating well all the time. But we have to look after our bodies and feed them the right foods from all food groups, nobody cares how much of what, have variety and have fun with it.
I've been on a diet for as long as I can remember. (apart from recovery of course). I guess this is hard for me to write because I always thought of myself as fully recovered and for a long time I truly thought I was. I recovered well, I ate well and my hunger and all my happiness came flying back. But this last 8 months (rough guessing here) I think I have been taking more control of my diet than usual. Of course nothing like my past, but I watch what I eat. I instantly thought I was going backwards, but actually I'm just being balanced. I ate over 3,000 calories a day for a long time and I loved it and my recovering body needed it so badly. But I guess my body was just ready to settle down and enjoy meals and snacks and maybe a little less if needed? I started having some health issues and the only way I could solve them was my diet and I had to reduce my intake of certain foods. I had to listen to my body. That's not a bad thing, I struggled to come to terms with it but I still eat more than anyone in my family, I just know when and what to eat. I did become worried about myself and I spoke to a few people in all kinds of work, Personal Trainers, friends, doctors, and they all said I'm just leading a balanced life. Which I didn't want to accept because I didn't want my life to be made up of treats and eating well all the time. But we have to look after our bodies and feed them the right foods from all food groups, nobody cares how much of what, have variety and have fun with it.
Never restrict something from your diet. fear foods? go out and beat them! if you restrict yourself from something you enjoy and love then what sort of life is that?
I've wasted way to much time holding myself back from cake and ice cream, rather than enjoying my time with the company I am in. When I think back to memories, ones that always stick in
my head are those created round the dining table, in the par having a picnic, or even late night McDonald's trips. (3:30am to be precise, worth it).
my head are those created round the dining table, in the par having a picnic, or even late night McDonald's trips. (3:30am to be precise, worth it).
But then there's the memories that I'll always regret... Sitting watching my friends whilst they enjoy birthday cak
e and biscuits which i passed on because of my diet. When will the diet end?
e and biscuits which i passed on because of my diet. When will the diet end?
I always wait for that day when I can say phew thank god that diets done. But it never will end. Its all in your mindset, you need to be happy. And being happy is impossible if you hold yourself back from life's enjoyment.
Cake is to be eaten, hot chocolate is to be drank by the gallon and laughing is to be heard.
Always remember that nobody is the same as you, nobody has the same body, the same genes or anything the same as you. Every body reacts differently to different food and you need to find your happy. So experiment, try new foods and try every flavor of cake, because your body will thank you. Loving yourself is so hard but make it easier on yourself by loving your insides first.
Make your laughter heard, Don't miss out because you feel you don't deserve it or you've already had your 'treat'. You are not a rule book. You are a person, an amazing person who deserves everything that anyone else can have.
The diet stops today. And tomorrow you wake up, kicking butt. x
Love always, Sydney x
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