The heading looks misleading but it's a topic I've been thinking about a lot, let me explain. I've been physically and mentally recovered now for nearly 2 years and I've always either put on weight or stayed the same but now my body is settling into it normal life and my daily eating habits are changing with work and day trips. I've naturally lost weight, not drastic, it's literally just my body settling down and getting comfy, I think. But from past experiences it's so hard to deal with, not for me but for my family. My mum and dad become worried and are constantly egging me on to eat more and more, when I'm eating no less than I was before, it's just how my body has fluctuated. It's difficult to understand the minds of others, and rightfully they can be worried but they definitely don't need to. It's just trying to establish that trust with your family for them to not be worried, but they have single handingly seen me lie to their f...
take a leap into your recovery